Thursday, December 18, 2008

Reclaiming Joy

reclaim |riˈklām|

verb [ trans. ]
1 retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given, or paid); obtain the return of : he returned three years later to reclaim his title as director of advertising | when Dennis emerged I reclaimed my room.
• redeem (someone) from a state of vice; reform : societies for reclaiming beggars and prostitutes.
• archaic tame or civilize (an animal or person).

2 bring (waste land or land formerly under water) under cultivation : little money is available to reclaim and cultivate the desert | [as adj. ] ( reclaimed) reclaimed land.
• recover (material) for reuse; recycle : a sufficient weight of plastic could easily be reclaimed.

Elizabeth and I are entering into a new stage of our lives. I have chosen to name the first step "reclaiming joy." I especially like the second definition: bring (waste land) under cultivation. We have a lot of work to do, and some practical steps to take. I am beginning this process by cultivating an acute awareness of the joy God takes in welcoming each one of us into relationship. This joy is expressed in wonderful ways, in tears, laughter, relief, and beaming smiles.

We will have much more to say on our reclamation project as it continues. . .

curiosity piqued?



Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Karaoke Mountain

Cold Mountain, Brokeback Mountain, and now. . . Karaoke Mountain!

A few years back, the advertising slogan for the University of Colorado College of Music (our alma mater) was "Music to Match our Mountains." Very cute and alliterative. Well, today, Elizabeth and I stumbled upon one of the most bizarre and joyous cultural events in Taiwan.

It's a story we're calling: "Karaoke to match our mountains."

Elizabeth and I have been wanting to get out of Taipei for weeks. We finally took the opportunity today to hike the Jiantan Shan trail. This trail is accessible by subway and basically scales a mountain overlooking the city. It's a beautiful day hike and was just what we needed. . . peace and quiet, solitude, relaxation.

And then we started hearing voices on the hillside. Amplified voices. In the middle of the woods. Apparently the North side of Jiantan mountain is covered with small permanent shelters, very much like picnic shelters at most U.S. public parks. However, these shelters are owned by families, marked very much like U.S. ranches and include badminton courts, a storage shed, and most importantly, electric generators to power televisions, microphones, and a sound system.

On our way up the mountain we passed at least 6 separate families singing karaoke. At full volume. Without a care in the world. It was incredible, bizarre, fun, and surprising. We have a video of the experience, but it is too large to upload on this blog. Which means we'll have fun home video time when we return to the U.S.!

Hiking in Taiwan is stunning. The flora and fauna are lush and colorful and vibrant (in December!!!). Hiking here is quite similar to hiking in Boulder. Most of the trails in Taiwan start from sea level and immediately climb up into the mountains. Therefore, the trails are steep and give great views overlooking Taipei. It reminds me a lot of hiking Flagstaff and seeing the red tile roofs of the CU campus or going up to Red Rocks and looking out over Denver.

More mission writing next time and less travelogue, I promise. But until then, enjoy the beauty of Taiwan:

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

On the Bus

At times it seems like most of my time is spent traveling. I travel at least an hour and half every day, not counting walking to NTU and to Chinese classes (about 20 minutes away from the cathedral). For the most part, I don't really mind. Most people probably have jobs they secretly would like (perhaps just for a day). A favorite "dream" job of mine is long distance semi-driver. I really enjoy watching the scenery go by, and I get some of my best thinking done while in the car, or bus, or train, or subway. . .

This week I have been thinking about convenience. This thought is closely tied to transportation. I'll get there soon. . .

In the days after the presidential election I was asked by many people in the U.S. what the reaction was in Taiwan. Overall, I got two reactions: #1: Most Taiwanese don't care about U.S. politics and #2: Obama ran a really slick ad campaign. I wish I had more to report. Keep in mind, these results are not statistically significant or even remotely reliable as an indicator of the Taiwanese political mindset. Although uninterested in U.S. politics, over the few months we have been here I have discovered an issue the Taiwanese will discuss with passion: convenience.

Convenience is usually how the value of things are gauged. Consider these (not-so) hypothetical scenarios:

#1: I am talking to a student at NTU who is from Kaohsiung (southern Taiwan).

Me: Do you like living in Taipei?
Student: I guess so. It's very convenient.

#2: Discussion with cathedral members about English Bible Study

Me: We are holding the Bible study at 7:30pm on Tuesdays. Late enough for students coming from classes and early enough for students to return to study.

Cathedral member: Thursdays are not convenient times for students. Maybe a weekend will be more convenient?

#3: Taiwan has more than 4,000 7-11 convenience stores. Plus almost as many Family Mart and Hi-Life convenience stores. Taiwan is an extremely small country. It takes 4 hours by train to go from northern to southern tip.

Back to transportation: On the evening bus ride from NTU to Xindian (where we live), the bus is always packed with middle and high school students. These students leave school anywhere between 4 and 9pm at night. The students then travel by subway or bus often 30 minutes to an hour each way to their homes. (This is true because the school system here is run completely on tests. These tests decide what school you go to. Students are tracked into vocational or college-prep high schools by the time they are 13/14 years old)

Perhaps convenience is so highly valued by college students and adults because they spent half of their own childhood traveling back and forth to school. Or maybe they are simply exhausted by going to school for 12-15 hours per day (plus Saturday school in high school). I can understand the appeal of getting a good job and wanting everything (and 7-11's have just about everything) within arms reach.

But is this the reward for such hard work and intense traveling for 18 years? Convenience? Are we allowing convenience to decide our quality of life? Students like college because it is convenient!? Students only go to Bible study because it is convenient?

If there is one major thing I have learned this year is God is not convenient. Jesus spoke of a narrow path and the eye of the needle, not convenience. Certainly not the easy life.

What does this mean? For many emerging church writers, this means a revolutionary way of living. For some like Shane Claiborne, this means living the Simple Way. Simple, but not convenient. This means working on long-term relationships, reaching out, traveling, stretching ourselves into new ways of living, being, interacting. We (I) have to be willing to take a bus 15 minutes, transfer to the Subway for 20, walk for 30 minutes, talk with strangers for 2 hours about the love of God and then make the journey in reverse. And then wash, rinse, and repeat for the next 8 months.

That doesn't sound easy. And it certainly isn't convenient. It's not even fun. But it is what God is asking right now, in this place. So I'll get back on the bus tomorrow and keep praying for love, not convenience, to take over.



The night time pictures are from our excursion to the Opera! The CKS Memorial Hall is pretty at night. And, I got to wear my jacket! The video is a man playing the harmonica outside the hall. I think he was better than the opera! (I'm serious, very very serious. It was a bad opera. . . and the harmonica man is pretty good.) Also, we had pasta with marinara sauce and garlic bread for the first time in over 4 months! It was absolutely breathtaking. Good enough to post online!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christian Calisthenics

In the good 'ol Episcopal Church I have often heard the up and down of the liturgy, the standing, kneeling, and sitting referred to as "pew aerobics" or "Christian calisthenics." Well, I have news for those of you who might consider yourselves high church and in love with such exercises. . . you wouldn't last a week in Taiwan.

This past Saturday, Elizabeth and I took part in the National Council of Churches in Taiwan Christian Sports Day (colloquially the NCCTCSD). We arrived a little bit late and walked in right in the middle of the opening ceremonies. Now, Taiwan is no world sports superpower, but they must have paid close attention to the opening ceremonies in Beijing. Each denomination (Lutheran, Episcopal, Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, YMCA, YWCA) was lined up in military precision lines, all wearing denominational uniforms and chanting church slogans in unison (I am totally not making this up). After a few prayers where denominational leaders invoked the competitors to play fair and try to remember some principles such as love and grace, we all did group warm-ups.

When I say warm-ups, I mean they had a team of calisthenic leaders up front with headset microphones leading the entire crowd of 1500 out of shape "athletes" in deep knee bends, stretching, jumping jacks, and about 20 more minutes of intense aerobic exercise.

I for one was extremely thankful for the warm-up. After all, I was signed up to play billiards at 10:30am. And Elizabeth was signed up to play tug of war at 1pm. All I am saying is, I'm sure the stretching paid off.

The rest of the day I believe can best be described as chaos. After calisthenics the churches broke up into teams for basketball, table tennis, billiards, squash, and tug of war. I was the third leg of the Episcopal Church's 9-Ball pool team. Which meant I didn't play because the first two guys lost. Oh well. Victor, Elizabeth, and I played on our own later and I got to show off my concentration face.

The featured sport was table tennis, but the most exciting event of the day was tug of war. The tug of war divisions were split into men, women, and co-ed. Elizabeth and Victor (our friend from the cathedral) were put onto the Episcopal Church co-ed team. Let's just say short and skinny aren't necessarily the best reasons to put someone on a tug of war team. Fortunately, they had a great coach. Daniel, the campus minister at St. John's University is shown here demonstrating proper tug of war technique.

Alas, our intrepid band of Episcopalians were no match for the Catholics. As you can see from the picture, the Catholics (in yellow) were not only far more intense, there team was also entirely made up of farm workers from the southern part of the country. Our two rounds against the Catholics lasted a total of about 1 minute. They were a force to be reckoned with. And as you can see, the rope burns. The Catholics creamed every team they played against, taking the championship of all three divisions. Maybe next time the Episcopalians stick to table tennis. . .

at least this guy looks like he is good:

Well, that's all for now. Elizabeth, Victor, and I are going to the world premiere of an opera on Friday called the Black Bearded Bible Man. It is about George Mackay, the first Presbyterian missionary to Taiwan. It is also the first opera to be written in Taiwanese and English. It is being performed at the National Theater with the National Orchestra, so I hope it will be good. At the very least, it will be in Taiwanese so we don't have to feel bad that we don't understand.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mission Envy

This week I have been experiencing two feelings I tend to avoid: envy and anger. The first one is really very strange. I think I am in the midst of some serious mission envy. And the hard part is, this isn't the first time. From the very beginning of our YASC experience, if I am honest with myself, I imagined us ending up in Africa.

I know, I know, this is so typical white kid wants to save lives in Africa. Which is why this is so difficult. Really, I swear I got my interest in Africa by honest (not guilt ridden) means. As an International Baccalaureate student in high school, my high school was extremely blessed to offer High Level African History. At the time we were one of a handful of high schools in the entire United States to offer this program. Our teacher was ABD in African History and it was her passion. Her passion for Africa bled over to almost all of her students. I don't know a single one who doesn't have at least some feeling of connection to this little understood but vastly diverse and rich continent. I don't know this to be true, but I imagine one reason my brother Nathan is studying abroad in Ghana is because of his own African History experience.

Another part of my mission envy comes from my absolute love of working in hands on care experiences. Many of the most joy-filled moments of my life have been working "hands-on" with adults with developmental disabilities at Support, Inc. and L'Arche Harbor House. I don't need an African experience to "discover" the love of God or simplicity of just being. I already had that in the U.S. and I can't help but want more. I deeply deeply desire more hands on experiences of love.

Anyway, I love reading the other missionary blogs. I especially love reading the blogs from Tanzania, Kenya, and South Africa. The missionaries speak of such vibrant joy and love and life. Now, I know life isn't perfect. Even if our blogs make it look like it is. I know there are very real challenges in every missionary placement. But just grant me this little moment of envy. . .

Now, in lieu of talking about anger (which I promise I am doing in a healthy way with family and close friends), I would like to share some of the sustaining things I have encountered in the past week:

In my interview with Bishop O'Neill at the BACOM weekend, he brought up Common Cathedral, a wonderful "homeless church" in Boston. They use the serenity prayer each week, because it's a good prayer, and because many people in attendance struggle with substance abuse.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

and Romans 4:16-21:

16 For this reason it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his descendants, not only to the adherents of the law but also to those who share the faith of Abraham (for he is the father of all of us, 17as it is written, ‘I have made you the father of many nations’)—in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist. 18Hoping against hope, he believed that he would become ‘the father of many nations’, according to what was said, ‘So numerous shall your descendants be.’ 19He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was already as good as dead (for he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb. 20No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, 21being fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.

And of course:

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do You Have Friends?

I am sure many of you have experienced this situation: new job, new boss, new job description. You come in eager to prove yourself and work hard, and you receive encouragement and direction such as "go and get 'em", "just be yourself," "give it your best shot." As you know, my job description here is to "begin a campus ministry." I was given the same type of encouragement and sent on my way.

Well, the reality of the situation is the major part of my work has been sitting in a food court at National Taiwan University with a card set up that says "Need a Listening Ear? Come Chat!" To my surprise (and delight), this card has been getting incredible response. I have gotten into a routine of sitting on campus 3-4 days per week from 11am-1pm (the lunchtime rush). Over the course of about 4 weeks, 12 students have been brave enough to sit down and chat.

Almost without fail, when students to sit down to chat, this is a lengthy commitment. The majority of the students talk to me for at least an hour. One student started talking to me and after 20 minutes abruptly interrupted our conversation to set a watch alarm to make it to his next class: in an hour and 15 minutes! So most of the time I only speak to one student per day. I think this is great. It gives us both time to really talk about something substantial. We are able to meander from the basic stuff (how long have I been in Taiwan? can I speak Chinese?) to the good stuff (how do Christians reconcile science and the Bible, how to best cope with moving to a new culture, the poor treatment of aboriginal Taiwanese by early Christian missionaries).

In previous conversations with people back home about my experiences on campus I usually start out by joking about how the first question I am usually asked is "are you Mormon?" This is a great conversation starter because I get to talk about why I am in Taiwan without any awkward transition into "religious talk."

However, the question that has really hit me hard in the last couple of encounters is "Do you have friends?" I am never quite sure how to answer this question. I sometimes say yes, I have friends in the U.S. But this always gets a follow-up question: "do you have friends in Taiwan?" Well, yes, we've made a great friend in Victor, a Taiwanese-American recent college grad at the cathedral. And Ingrid (featured in the picture with Elizabeth) has been a great friend, translator, and youth fellowship leader. But on the other hand, my experience thus far is being a missionary is a very lonely experience. In my deep desire to integrate into the culture and fully engage in the worship life of the Taiwanese Episcopal Church, we have made a conscious decision to not engage with much of the expat community in Taiwan (except those already in the church). The truth is, most of the expat community steers clear of the church, and certainly doesn't want to be seen talking to me in the food court.

Basically, I am sure that long-term missionaries are able to build and engage in very meaningful and deep friendships with their host communities. Over time, they are probably integrated in many ways into the life of the community, and treated as "members." However, I imagine there is always an element of being the outsider, mostly due to not sharing family, cultural, or linguistic histories. I am not sure Elizabeth and I are going to get to that point of "membership" here. And that is incredibly difficult.

The difficulty of not belonging and not having friends in the same way I consider my friends at Canterbury and St. Aidan's to be friends (sharing deep, consistent, meaningful, lasting relationship) has made me consider the reason behind the question "do you have friends?" It sometimes seems as if the question is related to another popular question, "do you like Taiwan?" This immediately throws me back into my first two years at college where having friends and liking college was pretty much the same question. In a way, I feel like I need to say, oh yes, I have plenty of Taiwanese friends, and I love Taiwan. But this is disingenuous. I feel like I can have a "good" (perhaps meaningful is a better word) experience here without linking the experience to my number of friends. In fact, I think I can be happy for a year without a group of friends. I see this experience as much more of a learning and growth year than social year.

Upon further reflection, I realized after hearing this question multiple times that it gets me in a tailspin of thinking about myself. Perhaps this question isn't really about my happiness, but is really meant as a cue to me to get out of myself and really listen to the students are saying.

Most of the students I talk to come alone. A few come with friends, but the majority who stay and talk for a long time don't really seem to have anywhere to be. In a culture where convenience is king and time is precious (must be studying!), an hour long conversation seems to be quite counter-cultural. While I try not to make assumptions about the students, almost all of the students I encounter are eager to discuss major issue in their lives. Many of them are dis-satisfied with their major (majors here are based on test scores, not on personal interest), and several see their major as a dead end in the rapidly declining economy. Several of the students have asked me about studying abroad and "getting out of Taiwan."

Should I be asking them the same question, "do you have friends?" I do not know how accurate my reading of the situation is, but many of the students I encounter are thirsty for friendship. Not the kind of friendship that jokes around but it silent when something serious comes up, but the kind of friendship that is born of love, a love for hearing the messy details, a love of wrestling with questions of purpose, joy, and pain.

In a sense, I hear God calling me into a different kind of friendship while we are in Taiwan. The friendship might not be going to movies, hanging out, shooting the breeze, but it might be a kind of friendship that many college students are missing. Perhaps I am called to help them discover the friendship of the church, or even more simply, a friendship that is based in service and love of the other.

So, for now, I can say I have many "friend encounters" in Taiwan. I love listening and talking to students. I hope they receive the same joy from this simple offering and can count this offering as a sign of friendship.



*The pictures in this blog post are from the youth fellowship outing to the NTU sports center. As you can see, badminton is extremely popular. The entire large gymnasium is covered with badminton courts. There is a smaller gym for basketball (for some perspective). As you can also see, I am a giant.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In the Silence

Overload. Exhausted. Humbled. Joyful. Scared. Prayerful. Thankful. Excited. Relieved. Trembling. Anxious. In Love.
On Thursday afternoon, my Mom, Dad, and I drove to St. Malo Conference Center near Allenspark, Colorado for the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado BACOM conference. The BACOM conference is a series of interviews between aspirants for the priesthood and members of the Commission on Ministry, a group of lay and ordained people charged with the responsibility of overseeing and supporting ordained ministers in the Diocese of Colorado.

At the beginning of the weekend, the aspirants (including me and 3 others) were asked to reflect on a moment of joy during their day. I was extremely thankful for the opportunity to spend the drive up with my parents. Although I did feel some anxiety over being by far the youngest person attending and exacerbating the situation by being dropped off by my parents, I was blessed by visiting the very spot my parents met almost 27 years ago. Standing by the fireplace in the reconstructed lodge where they met as camp staff was an incredible moment of joy. I saw for the first time the very place my parent's life together was set in motion as I confronted a defining moment in my own life's journey.
One of the greatest challenges of the BACOM weekend was maintaining clarity about my discernment process in Colorado and my time thus far in Taiwan. I went into the weekend mentally preparing myself for the interview process by reading and re-reading my spiritual autobiography, psychological evaluation, and budgets lovingly and painstakingly made by Elizabeth. I was in essence attempting to recapture what I felt and knew at the end of my congregational discernment process, I feel called and ready to give my life to serve God and the Church as a priest. Up until this point, I had not truly considered what our time in Taiwan has meant in the process of discernment. In fact, I felt quite sure that my time in Taiwan has not deeply impacted my calling at all, but somehow was delaying or muddying up the clarity I had achieved way back in July.

The structure of the BACOM conference itself is easily the most intensive interview marathon (I hope) I will ever encounter. Thursday evening's pleasantries aside, the aspirants were in for a "trial by fire," as Sam, one of the other aspirants, put it. Each aspirant was given a personalized schedule detailing the 7 personal interviews and 2 group interviews, all to take place in the span of about 30 hours. On Friday I interviewed with a physician, psychologist, priest, spiritual director, academic advisor, financial advisor, and the Bishop. Easily the most difficult part of the process was not being able to rely on my strengths. To put it bluntly, each interviewer acknowledged my resume and writing skills, and cut through the BS, straight to the heart of the matter: is my calling authentic and am I emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physical prepared to devote my life to ordained ministry. As the Bishop said at the beginning of the weekend, a Yes to postulancy for ordained ministry is really a No to many other things. A Yes means a life of giving and service.

In the great providence (timely preparation for future eventualities) of God, the interviews provided me with a first hand experience of the Holy Spirit working through my words and heart as I poured out in language (incomprehensible to me) integrating and testifying to the amazing work God has done in me over the past 3 months. My bottled up unwillingness to integrate this experience with my personal discernment was washed away and smoothed out in ways for which I can only praise and thank God.

When I woke up this morning (in Taiwan), I opened my email and found an email from the Bishop's office. I was informed that I have been accepted into postulancy for the priesthood in the Diocese of Colorado. I cannot begin to grasp where this journey will lead, but I believe this is a good time to take a moment and breathe.

After all of the preparations, meetings, prayer, travel, worrying, writing, reading was done, I was called to a place of great beauty and silence. In this place I allowed God to encounter me and speak through me. As I write this I am reminded of this passage in 1 Kings (19:11-13): "Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence. When Elijah heard it(!), he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave."

Praise God!



Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Hello all,

First off, let me be forthright in saying this has been a very challenging and frustrating week for both of us. We have had a fair amount of trouble with communication and matching expectations between the Diocese of Taiwan and our own understanding of our work here. So, with this in mind, I would like to talk a little bit about dreams and the possibility of finding pinpoints of light in difficult situations.

There are a few major things at work in the coming two weeks: first of all, Elizabeth and I will be traveling to Hong Kong to get new visas. Our current visas expire on Saturday. Secondly, I will be traveling to the United States immediately after our trip to Hong Kong (I will literally be staying in the Taipei airport overnight to catch my flight to the U.S.) for the Diocese of Colorado Bishop's Advisory Committee on Ministry weekend. This is a weekend where I will be interviewed by the Bishop and others about the status of my call to ordained ministry. In the midst of all of this, we are still trying to get this campus ministry thing off the ground here in Taipei and find a good teaching fit for Elizabeth. Whew!

So, the first pinpoint of light: Before we came to Taiwan, Elizabeth and I engaged in a whirlwind tour of seminaries, including Yale, Virginia, General, and Sewanee (The University of the South). In this process we encountered many people who talked about their experiences applying to seminary. Most people said that they "just knew" or the school "immediately clicked" as they found the right seminary community. After four visits I wasn't quite sure. I think this partly has to do with the fact that I am not even a postulant (yet, God-willing), but it also tells me more about how I experience God's voice and call in my life.

Throughout my discernment process, I have learned to listen for God in a variety of ways. The most comfortable and reliable form being praying and mulling over an idea from many different angles and experiences. As we explored in the Theological Reflection group at CU, while lightning strikes of inspiration do occur, it is also quite possible (and perhaps more probable) for inspiration to come from a variety of sources of experience, including prayer, images, personal experience, and friends.

A few instances of divine inspiration have led me to some interesting ideas: first of all, I am being called (in ordained ministry or not) to a life of humble service. For me, this means humility in the academic world. I must resist the temptation to prove to others that I am smart by going to a school that doesn't fit me but looks really good. This means maybe a school like Yale isn't the best option. In fact, when talking to Elizabeth, opening mail from seminaries, and researching online, I get the most excited (literally, a warm and electric internal feeling) about Sewanee. For those of you (luckily) outside of the seminary world, Sewanee is kind of an odd choice. It is very small, very secluded, and not well-known for academics. It is however a wonderful family community, with a good spousal support network, good financial aid, and a solid history of educating clergy for their priestly ministry.

Now, I'm not ready to commit myself to anything. I'm still praying, listening, imagining, and dreaming. But, I did have a short dream about getting a financial aid letter from Sewanee saying I only owed $900 a year and they would pay for the other $19000. I have no idea where the numbers came from, but this could be a good thing, right?

And who knows, maybe humility will lead me to another school, or even a different vocation. But I have learned that the fit and God's plan for my education and vocation is far more important than the professors and academic programs available at any particular school.

Second pinpoint of light: A few weeks ago we were invited by Daniel, the chaplain's assistant at St. John's University, to give a talk on "Faith and Music." St. John's University is an Episcopal university in the northern tip of Taiwan. Daniel and Fr. Lennon have developed a thriving campus ministry. Each Thursday night fellowship attracts between 30-40 students. The music and programming is almost completely led by students. It was a truly amazing display of student leadership and fellowship.

The night began with a meal together with the students. We then did a 40 minute presentation which included a Nooma video, a short description of Taize, some enthusiastic Taize music singing, and Elizabeth's reflections on the vocation of teaching music fitting into God's "song" of mercy, love, compassion, and justice.

We were welcomed with open arms and enthusiasm by the students and staff and were even presented with St. John's sweatshirts. Just in case it ever gets cold here. . .

I really hope that our connection with St. John's can grow and they can be a source of assistance and guidance in the establishment of our campus ministry. We will see.

In the meantime, please enjoy our pictures of the St. John's fellowship. And just for Dustin (and for others interested in Swedish furniture) we have a picture of one of the four Ikea stores in Taiwan. More on our Ikea adventure later. . .

And please, please pray for our safety in travel. Also, please pray for Elizabeth while I am in the U.S. and for me as I meet with the Bishop and the rest of the commission on ministry.

Our next post will probably not come until November because of the crazy travel schedule.



Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm Going Forward

On Wednesday, Elizabeth wrote a wonderful email update titled "I'm Going Forward." It was too good to keep in one format, so I am posting it here on the blog.

Two quick notes: Please check out the links to our fellow missionaries. They are in full swing and doing wonderful work. Secondly, as a little treat, you get some pictures of our favorite lian ge xiao mao (two little cats) and a giant snail found by the cathedral. Enjoy!

Coming next week. . . some thoughts about some visions and dreams I have been having in my prayer (and sleep) time. Stay tuned!

Love, Seth

I'm going forward,
Never, never turning back

While we were in New York this past summer for our two week training, some of the music we heard was from the Itipini Gospel Choir. They are from Mthatha, South Africa and many of them are children. So, a few days ago we contacted a fellow YASC missionary in Mthatha, South Africa who is working at the Itipini Medical Clinic. (To read more about Jesse, visit his blog He has just committed to a second year in Mthatha and his blog is wonderful!) Anyway, Jesse sent us a few songs through email and one of them is called "I'm Going Forward." The call and response structure as well as the simple and fundamental use of chords common in African song has always warmed my heart. To hear the lyrics 'I'm going forward, never, never turning back' pumped me up!

This past weekend we had visitors from the Episcopal Church, from New York City, Hawai'i, and San Francisco. Peter Ng, from NYC, is the contact person for all relations between Asia and the Pacific. Mimi Wu, from Hawai'i, serves on the board for Province VIII. And Rev. Jack Eastwood (and his wife Judy), from San Francisco, is the President of Province VIII. Our conversations with all were very fruitful! While talking to Peter, we found out that we should have hot water (I am waiting for the repairman as I type), I will increase my teaching hours, and Seth was given some good ideas for the beginnings of the campus ministry. It was wonderful to spend the time to sit down and talk with him. We were also able to talk to the Province VIII representatives. Seth was eager to talk to them about bringing a group of students from Taiwan to the provincial gathering in March. The gathering will be in Tempe, Arizona. We were able to get contacts and ideas for fundraising to make the trip affordable for the students. Again, it was wonderful to talk with them face-to-face. I'm going forward. . .

Just last night, I was able to make a connection I never dreamed of. When Union Carbide signed a deal with Sony about 30 years ago, a Sony team from Japan was sent to Cleveland, Ohio to receive training. My grandfather was the teacher for this training. He and my grandmother made a life-long connection with Hiroshi Abe, who was working for Sony, and his wife, Keiko. After spending 3 months in Cleveland for training, Hiroshi went home to Japan. However, every 5 years, Hiroshi and Keiko go to Cleveland to visit my grandparents. When my grandfather died a few years ago, they planted a tree in their garden in remebrance of him. My grandmother was able to visit Japan two years ago. Hiroshi, who now works for a different company, comes to Taipei on business for one week a month. When Hiroshi and Keiko found out, through my grandmother, that Seth and I were living in Taipei, Keiko planned to come with Hiroshi to Taipei to meet us! Last night, we were able to have dinner with Hiroshi and Keiko. I never thought I would be able to meet them! I've heard stories and seen pictures all of my life! My grandmother's house is full of Japanese art and pottery. It was amazing to make this connection. I can only pray that Seth and I will be able to make life-long friends while we are living in Taipei this year. I'm going forward. . .

A big thank you to our partners in mission this week: Carlen Penfold, Mollie and Nicholas Lee, Bob and Julie Stuenkel, Ron and Janet Fullmer, and Bishop O'Neill. THANK YOU!!!

We love you all, have a great day, and don't forget to send us your love in emails, they make our day.

Many blessings and much love,

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

May Your Kingdom Advent

Raise your hand if this was a familiar scene in your Sunday school/youth group: Sunday school teacher: "today we are going to personalize the Lord's Prayer. We are going to rewrite the Lord's Prayer in our own words!" If your hand is raised, you know this often results in groans and "really, this again?"

So bear with me while I take this exercise in a different direction. For the last two weeks, Elizabeth and I have been meeting with Rev. Samuel at the cathedral to learn the Lord's Prayer in Mandarin Chinese. We have decided to use these Chinese lessons primarily as a way to learn "liturgical Chinese." We hope this will enable us to better participate in the prayers during Sunday services.

As we were learning the proper way to say the Lord's Prayer (which involves a lot of admonishments to speak with a harder accent), I wrote down a direct translation of the Chinese into English, creating a new version of the personalized Lord's Prayer.

This is how it came out:

Our father in heaven
May your name be honored as holy
May your kingdom advent
May your will be obeyed on earth
like same be done in heaven

Every day we need and use drinking and eating, today give us
also we beg to forgive our sin (crime)
like the same we forgive the offenses we receive from the people.
Do not let us meet and see temptation (don't call us to meet temptation) (don't call temptation on us)

To save us to release from evil
because kingdom, power, and glory
all are yours from now to forever. Amen.

I was most interested in the word used for sin (or trespasses depending on your preference for English translation). In Mandarin, the word used for sin is the same word as crime. Therefore, whereas in English we distinguish between spiritual failings as sin and offenses against the law as crime, there no delineation in Mandarin. For someone to be called a sinner in Taiwan is to accuse them of being a criminal.

Imagine being a seeker and being called a sinner for the first time. It apparently is a common reaction that people will deny being sinful because they have not been adequately taught about the idea of spiritual sin v. governmental crime. No one wants to be called a criminal, right?

This lesson in sin/crime might prove very useful in our English Bible study. Since we are working through studies about the "unexpected Jesus" the idea of forgiveness for sin is quite prevalent. I am not sure what I think about the delineation between spiritual sin and crime. I haven't really thought at all about how we in the U.S. deal much more seriously (in terms of legal and physical punishment) to crime than to sin. Hmmm...

I was also very surprised when Rev. Samuel translated the line "may your kingdom advent." Much of our experience with the cathedral so far has been an introduction to a much more evangelical church than we have previously experienced. The cathedral is very involved in teaching Alpha courses, and has recently begun a campaign modeled after the Purpose Driven paradigm. They are even advertising for and promoting participation in the Franklin Graham festival at the end of October. Since the cathedral's population is largely composed of relatively new Christians whose knowledge of Christianity is largely based in non-denominational evangelical reading and teaching (think Joel Osteen), I was not expecting the word "advent" to pop up. However, this is apparently the best translation from Chinese to English of the phrase "may your kingdom come."

So maybe the church here is more connected into the liturgical tradition than I thought. Instead of having to explain the meaning of the word advent, they pray it every week.

Until next week, still praying for the advent of God's kingdom,


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bonus: Lambeth Reflection

Hello all! The following is a reflection from one of the two head stewards from the Lambeth Conference 2008. This was the gathering of all Anglican Bishops that happens every 10 years at Canterbury Cathedral in England. The writer is Erin Rutherford. I originally heard this as a sermon at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. Erin works at an international school here in Taipei and has lived in Taiwan for 7 years. She was a steward at the 1998 conference and led the stewards this summer. I hope this provides an alternative perspective to the exlusion/schism coverage that seemed to dominate the U.S. media. Enjoy!

"I can probably assume that some of you, particularly those who’ve grown up with clergy in the family, or a parish priest who has aspired to be bishop look forward to a Lambeth Conference like you look forward to the Olympics or an election. They are events that define our communities. And Lambeth defines us as Anglicans. This was my second Lambeth Conference, having served as a steward in 1998. There is no denying that the 1998 Lambeth Conference did resemble the Olympics at times as people felt themselves to be victorious over others and I can assure you that the air was so thick at times that scenes from the Taiwanese legislature weren’t inconceivable. We like to think it’s a time when the church’s wisest, most insightful, and decisively pastoral leaders assemble to celebrate their faith, meet peers with common concerns and then return to assure us that the church universal is united in mission. And that may have been the case a hundred years ago when the church was reasonably homogeneous in terms of colour and cultural expectations but it certainly isn’t now and let’s not forget that the Anglican Church has never been one for uniformity theologically.

The job I had been given was called “Stewards Manager.” There were two of us, and our job was to train and manage the fifty five young people who had volunteered four weeks to serve the needs of the conference. They ranged in age from 18 to 34 and we did our best to train them in intercultural communication, conflict resolution, event security, emergency procedures, dealing with the Press, first aid and the technical equipment they needed like walkie-talkies. Mixed with this was of course worship, visits to the Cathedral and the social activities needed to ensure that the group stayed close and committed to one another for the duration of the conference. When the conference started our job was to do the scheduling for the stewards, to attend various meetings during the day like security briefings, technical planning meetings, production meetings and redistribute stewards when the meetings meant changes to the scheduling.

During the week leading up to the conference, BBC Radio 4 was interviewing a number of divisive and controversial clerics who included Gene Robinson but also included Gregory Venables, the Archbishop of the Southern Cone. While he was clearly invited to give his views on the question of homosexuality in the episcopate but given what my priorities were at the time, what struck me most were his comments on the organization of the conference. He pointed out that ten years previously bishops were sent package after package of study material and the objectives and desired outcomes of the conference were known in advance. However in 2008 he had received no more than three sheets of paper and a few emails and he didn’t even know where he was supposed to go to register. And there was some truth to this. The reason for this was that the tone of the conference was meant to be entirely different from the spectacle, rupture and disagreement of 1998. This Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, had decided early on that underlying the structure of the conference would be a look at the notion of “covenant,” a relationship of promise. To him, covenant meant an understanding as to how we will relate to one another and how tensions will be handled and discernment taken forward. As far as I could tell, he didn’t want to pander to the demands of either side of what was on everyone’s mind.

Almost in anticipation of the lack of opportunity to make a statement, as you surely heard, an event took place in Jordan a few weeks pre-Lambeth in which members of the church with a traditional view on the interpretation of scripture concerning human sexuality, decided to take a public stand against the Archbishop of Canterbury and the so-called liberalism of some western churches. Partly because of the conference in Jordan and partly for other reasons related to it, this year’s Lambeth Conference was without the bishops of Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and, of course, Sydney. Fortunately there were exceptions. The Bible study leader for my bishop at home in Vancouver, Michael Ingham, was a dissident bishop of Kenya who decided to come on his own saying that "I believe we are all children of God and the children of God belong together." We also had a Nigerian steward who, early on, explained that though she took a similar position to her church on matters of sexuality, she realised that it was based on limited experience and she should meet gay people before making a decision. I decided that it wasn’t quite the moment to explain that she surely already had.

Now having said all of that, I don’t want to downplay the dark shadows that had been cast over the Lambeth Conference by what happened in Jordan. But for me personally, in order to get through a very demanding four weeks – the stewards, not politics, needed to be my highest priority. Fortunately their energy and their commitment were infectious. Equally as encouraging when I arrived was that recommendations we had made ten years ago were listened to and implemented and as most young people in the church know, having their voice heard can be rare.

And changes hadn’t only taken place for the stewards. Another striking difference was the equality given to the Spouses Conference. The Spouses workshops were no longer about mitre making or planning the perfect luncheon. Spouses of bishops were delegates also and while their programme was sometimes different they were validated in their centrality to the work and support of the episcopacy. Key to this joint agenda was the joint day in which bishops and their spouses came together to consider the abuse of power in the church. While 1998 may have made headlines for its vote on human sexuality, it could have made much bigger headlines if the press had got wind of the flagrant abuse that took place at the conference itself. The insistence on the part of Jane and Rowan Williams in hosting a different kind of conference was, I believe, a testament to their insightfulness and the relevant tone.

If you’ve done any reading about this Lambeth you know that there were no votes. That whole conference gatherings were few. That bishops met in what they called Indaba groups. Depending on your news sources, you may have read that bishops were frustrated because their Indaba facilitators treated them like they were in Sunday school and they couldn’t talk about what they wanted to – sexuality. Instead they had to talk about the environment, about social justice, about the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, and our relations with other faiths. The resistance from the bishops to engage in meaningful discussion about these issues could be staggering to the young people at the time. While, admittedly, most of the young people took a position one way or the other on the issue of openly gay bishops, it was clear to them that even if it needed to be addressed as an issue of justice, or as an issue of scriptural authority, so did hunger, so did clean water, so did Robert Mugabe and so did climate change. And to remain silent on those issues because it was more productive to hope that the other side would just leave seemed unconscionable.

A steward from Australia just last week referred me to an article on the Sydney Anglican Network website in which the Indaba process was heavily mocked. An unnamed bishop had apparently described it as a joke and rather than discussing their content, the author mocked the cultural origins of Indaba as if they surely had nothing to offer a conference where votes and schism were bound to happen. Considering there was no Australian media present at the conference, church or secular, I found this a very curious judgement.

I got to know a number of the rapporteurs, some of whom had served with me ten years ago, were now ordained or theology professors and whose job it was to sit in on an Indaba group and take careful notes and produce a report for the end of the day about what was said. It could be a frustrating process because the 40 or so bishops in the group then had to agree on whether their report was an accurate reflection of their discussions. They told of how at first the bishops were engaged in their work, that the relevance of the topics was significant and impressive. But as the days passed and we were anxious for the end, people started to push. How could they have come to this event and not yet talked about sexuality? How could the Archbishop’s so called Covenant for the Communion arise from what seemed such an unproductive set of discussions?

At the same time, somehow not surprisingly, the stewards had realised that in functioning as a group, we respected the dignity and integrity of each other, that a covenant had several forms as we shared interests and shared our lives for four short weeks. It wasn’t because we were representing our dioceses or our provinces that we had to get along, we didn’t share a contract, we shared a relationship. As Jonathan Sacks, the Chief Rabbi pointed out when he spoke to the conference one evening, where a contract is about interests, a covenant is about identity. It is about you and me coming together to form an 'us'. Covenants are predicated on difference. And that is why contracts benefit, but covenants transform.

As you would assume stewards did, they spent a number of evenings in the college bar. One particular night was especially memorable as somewhere in our second round of Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah, a bishop came over to our table and asked what it was we were so happy about. Someone said near me, is he at the same conference as us? Somehow for us, our identities as Anglicans, our vastly differing cultural backgrounds and our inherent understanding that we shared a fate meant that covenant had already taken shape.
Jonathan Sacks went on to remind us of Jeremiah who, in describing covenant said: “I remember the devotion of your youth, the love of your betrothal, how you were willing to follow me into the desert, through an unknown, unsown land.” Covenant is what allows us to face the future without fear, because we know we are not alone. Covenant is the redemption of solitude when the issues we face seem too much to bear alone.
Something else that had been transformed in ten years was the acknowledgement of the contribution of the young people who stewarded the event. Both delegates and conference management treated the stewards as valued members of the conference community. I felt that the Archbishop of Canterbury and the management fully demonstrated the qualities of the landowner in today’s Gospel. It is obvious to us, I hope, that the landowner wasn’t interested in paying for labour so much as he was in ensuring that the labourers didn’t go home hungry. The Archbishop had a vision which allowed the stewards to not go home spiritually empty, but to feel that their membership in the church was as valued and important as any bishop’s.

Of course, this was a reciprocal agreement in a sense. The stewards were quite possibly the most exceptional group of young people I’ve ever worked with. They were insightful, helpful, hard-working, polite, curious, determined and full of initiative. The most remarkable part about the stewards was their humbleness. These were young people who despite an incredible range of professions, life-styles and interests came together for the simple privilege of serving God’s community through the conference. Unlike the labourers in the vineyard in today’s Gospel, they did not assume that there would be extra recompense for their work. Their reward was being part of an incredibly supportive community that put cooperation before difference. They too represented the same theological divide as the bishops, but they put teamwork first. They laboured out of love and joy for the opportunity to work. Equally as incredible to me was the respect with which they were treated by bishops. Whether they were following the lead of the Archbishop or the church has simply got better at choosing its leaders, I don’t know but until this summer’s conference I had never attended a church event, especially not the Lambeth Conference of 1998, in which bishops, often with a tremendous sense of entitlement, weren’t patronising of young people and saw them as equal in God’s eyes.

Of course, I’m not naïve or deluded enough to think that the experiences of 55 young Anglicans in Canterbury this summer will go down as a world wide example of how the conference was a success. If we are lucky, it is a message that will be shared in their 55 parishes. But it was clear to me that some bishops would be returning home uncomfortable because they hadn’t been able to split the church and some would be uncomfortable with the vastness of the mission we have yet to fulfil. All of them, though, must acknowledge that regardless of what happens in the next few years that without the devotion of youth, there will be no church. What Jonathan Sacks described as covenantal goods, that is love and friendship cannot be split to suit our own interests. And that is something for which we should feel not only gratefulness, but hope."

Erin Rutherford

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ex-pat Experience

It's wet here!

Yes, we just went through our second typhoon. Fortunately, this one is supposed to be the last of the typhoon season. Meaning the weather should be cooling down (a relative term) and the rainy season is coming to a close.

A couple of weekends ago I was invited to attend the English congregation service at Good Shepherd Episcopal and join them for their monthly fellowship luncheon. Since Elizabeth had youth responsibilities, I went out to Shilin alone.

The priest for the English congregation is also an Episcopal missionary. Rev. Diane Wong is a long-term missionary completing her second year of service in Taiwan. She is from the Diocese of Massachusetts and has been a wonderful source of communication and English speaking over these couple of months. Somehow she thought inviting us to an English service would be appealing. . . and after two months of Chinese only services, she couldn't have been more right!

The service at Good Shepherd was the first time I have had a large scale and direct interaction with the adult ex-pat community in Taiwan. All of the non-Taiwanese I have met previously have been students or short term visitors. When researching the service time for the English service, I found the Sunday bulletin. In addition to the readings for the day, it included two announcements: 1 - the fellowship luncheon 2 - there is a wedding following the service, please stick around.

As it turns out, this is pretty much par for the course in terms of the ex-pat community. The English congregation is largely made up of teachers at international schools. The rest of the members include the South African diplomat (unofficially) and his wife, a college professor who has lived in Taiwan for 20 years but is still married to a woman in the U.S. (they talk every day), a retired U.S. Air Force officer, an engineer, and the second in command of the American Institute in Taiwan (our unofficial version of an embassy in Taiwan). This group was by far the most unlikely collection of people I have ever seen enjoying wedding cake for a couple they had just met an hour ago. . . when they attended their wedding and witnessed their marriage vows.

I also had the joy of meeting one of the two head stewards for the Lambeth Conference this year. The stewards were a group of young people, one of whom was from Taiwan, responsible for playing tour guide, security, running errands, applying first aid, smiling, and making life comfortable for all of the Bishops and Bishop's spouses during the conference. Erin, the head steward I met at Good Shepherd, has been living in Taiwan for the past 7 years teaching French at an international school. She gave the sermon, a reflection on the conference and her experience being a steward. I hope to post the reflection soon. It was wonderful to hear a reflection that did not just revolve around who was there and who was excluded.

Overall, I was incredibly thrilled to attend a service in English. I miss very much saying the prayers in unison instead of saying them in English and guessing how to time it so I finish at the same time as the Chinese. However, I feel somehow especially called to serve within the Chinese congregation. Unlike the last young adult missionaries to Taiwan, we do not have any particular assignments within the English congregation or ex-pat communities. I believe this will continue to bring challenges but also, slowly, enable us to better integrate into the Taiwanese culture and religious customs. We will always still be Americans, white, and really bad at Chinese, but I feel like we will have the opportunity to witness authentic expressions of Christianity as developed by the Taiwanese/Chinese culture.

May you be blessed throughout this new month,


This is easily one of the world's smallest dogs. Note that I am not the only giant in the picture, the three year old is downright huge in comparison as well.

Picture #2 is tea with the Bishop a few weeks ago. He is a true tea fanatic. He would fit right in on Wednesday morning. No word on his preference for toast or bagels.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


English Bible Study. Let's just say I was skeptical. Skeptical because I am not sure I'm qualified to lead a Bible study, and skeptical because, well, it just didn't sound appealing. That is, until last night. Last night was the official kick-off of the English Bible Study at the newest Episcopal Campus Ministry, the combined Episcopal/Anglican College Fellowship (Taipei).

In preparation for leading this study, I was given a wonderful resource by Catherine Lee, a long-term missionary to Taiwan from the Church of England. In her years in Taiwan she has used the LifeBuilder Bible Studies in groups ranging from youth to veteran diocesan clergy. These Bible studies are wonderfully compiled, some around particular topics such as "Women of the Old Testament" and others around books of the Bible. Check out Scripture Union UK if you are interested in ordering or using any of these studies.

Anyway, I decided to use the Bible study titled "Introducing Jesus." I chose this study because of my desire to seek the middle road. Having no idea who would attend, I wanted to choose something that would introduce the central figure of Christianity while not boring the folks who are already Christians and know more about this stuff than I do. The first study in the book is titled "the Unexpected Jesus." As promised, it had some unexpected results. . .

We begin with Mark 2:1-12. In my Chinese-English NIV translation, this is titled "Jesus heals a paralytic." In this story, Jesus is preaching in a crowded room. In order to get an audience with Jesus, the friends of a paralyzed man dig a whole through the roof(!) and lower the paralyzed man down in the middle of the crowd. Of course, Jesus notices and "seeing their faith" tells the man "son, your sins are forgiven."

At this point, the author of the Bible study points out that 2000 years ago in Jewish culture, disabilities and calamities were directly linked with a person's sins. I asked what people thought about this way of thought, and it turns out most people in the "traditional religions" of Taiwan also hold this way of thinking. The beliefs in karma and ancestor worship are quite strong. Many holidays and ceremonies are devoted to praying to and offering gifts to ones ancestors so they will be in turn cared for by their descendants. If a person does not honor their ancestors or sins, they will be punished by not being cared for in their old age and in the afterlife.

All of the students at the Bible study adamantly rejected this way of thinking. But it made me think. . . karmic thinking certainly is not limited to Taiwan. Just think of all the Christian spirituality, self-help, American dream writing that is devoted to living a righteous life in order to be rewarded by riches, popularity, fame, "happiness." Isn't it tempting to think that if we are just a little bit "better" that things will turn around, we won't get sick, our investments will be safe, we wouldn't be paralyzed (physically or emotionally)?

But then Jesus continues, "which is easier, to 'say your sins are forgiven', or to say 'stand up and take your mat and walk'? So that you may now the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins - he said to the paralytic - 'I say to you, stand up, take your mat and go to your home.'"

Unexpected! Remember, Jesus had already forgiven the man's sins. Jesus turns our karmic thinking upside down. The removal of sins did not remove the paralysis. The healing was done so that others might believe. Isn't this radical?

What Jesus is offering is not just physical healing, but the complete restoration of relationship with God through forgiveness of sins.

The Bible study began with this question: Think of a time you have been offended by someone. What needed to happen for the relationship to be reconciled?

Our group came to the conclusion that forgiveness by the offended was necessary for true reconciliation. This does not change the fact that the offense was done, or even wipe away the consequences of the offense. But through forgiveness, the relationship can be made whole.

All in all, this was an extremely humbling conclusion. And a great motivator. Consider me a slightly less skeptical skeptic. This English Bible study thing doesn't seem so bad after all. . .

In Christ's Love,


p.s. for all of you cuteness lovers out there, the featured pictures this week are from the Good Shepherd Kindergarten where Elizabeth is working each Monday. We have also included a picture of our first attempt at Chinese calligraphy! It reads up and down. My name is on the left and Elizabeth's name is on the right. Please be kind in your appraisal, doing calligraphy is like learning to write in cursive with your weak hand.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Church and Hospitality

In our last email we asked for words/phrases/experiences/ideas about "THE CHURCH." We have received some wonderful emails from many people expressing a wide range of ideas. These emails have been wonderful to read and think about.

More than one of the emails started in the same place I did: "Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors, and see all of the people. . ."
The replies grew beautiful, broad, and encompassing a wide range of "church." Our collective ideas of church include watching grandchildren serve as acolytes, remembering our grandparent's church we grew up in, the church incarnated among the incarcerated during Kairos weekends, the church sharing knowledge, laughter, pain, prayers during 7am Eucharist, sunrise services on the high school football field, the church that hurts too much to talk about, the church as a trust fall, and the church as what's left when the church burns down.

My own (current) image of church is built around two words: hospitality and honesty. For me, easily the most mind-blowing church moment in the past two years was when the Wednesday morning crew read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. And all of a sudden everyone was talking about the true sin of these cities was their inhospitable treatment of their guests. What!?! Is hospitality really that big of a deal? I mean, at Boston University (my first alma mater), there was a school for "Hospitality Administration" which as far as most people knew, taught people how to bartend for $40,000 a year. How could hospitality be so important?

Fast forward two years to Taiwan. . . hospitality is the beginning of evangelism. In fact, it might even be the key to evangelism. If Jesus' life is about nothing else, it is about the fact that he came to make possible/tangible/by grace the reconciliation of the world to God. Because in the end, God's unfailing, unchanging, burning desire is to welcome all of us home.

Of course, this all sounds peachy-keen until it is tested and put into practice. Welcoming the stranger, living alongside the unknown, disliked, despised has always been hard. Look at The Church. The Church in Taiwan is split into so many parts/factions/histories that the Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, and Baptists all have different words for God. There have always been examples of the The Church not being hospitable, rejecting the poor, disabled, colored, women, gays, gentile, jew, slave. So why do we hold onto the church?

Many blogs, websites, and books have been written about a new church. . . some people call it the emerging church, some people simply attempt to leave "the church" behind and go it alone, using "spiritual" as a descriptor. My favorite of these examples is Geez Magazine, a wonderful ad-free Canadian magazine that prides itself in taking on issues of faith and bringing them to the "over-churched, out-churched, un-churched and maybe even the un-churchable." This magazine is truly hospitable, it welcomes contributions from all over map of ideology, theology, and sometimes just pure oddity. I also admire it's valiant attempt at reaching those on the margins of "the church."

But I just can't help think that using my image of the church being hospitable and all of your contributions, maybe some re-thinking of The Church is in order. Maybe, hopefully, a third way will present itself. Instead of fighting the same old fights of conservative v. liberal or instead of throwing out the whole CHURCH, perhaps we can return to the message of of the church as the congregation, or the people (the Body) of Christ. When we truly embrace the idea of the church being the two or three gathered in the name of Christ, we can begin to re-think the church from relationship with Christ to relationship with our friends, and even to relationship through Christ with our enemies.

Now this is where my second image comes in: honesty. Let's get real. I'm an idealist, I dream big, I'm young, I'm naive, and I have a bit too much time to think about this stuff. . .

The world is old, nothing is new, we've been fighting over this forever, the church is broken. Yes it is. And that is honest. I struggle with hospitality. I struggle with it with all my might. I want nothing more right now than my prayer room back in order, the guest to leave, and for things to be "normal."

That is honesty. But it also isn't the end. We have the church, which at this point for me involves a steadfast group of family and friends at home, my wife, and a couple of people I barely know in Taiwan. And the truly wonderful thing is, when I remember to love God and love my neighbor, thereby being hospitable, we are able to be honest and open and create a wonderful re-thought image of The Church.

Maybe more people need to hear a deeper version of The Church than "here is the steeple." Would we be so quick to renounce the Church and head into the wilds of being spiritual, or out-churched, or God-forbid "unchurchable" if we truly believed and acted as if The Church is founded upon love, a love that inspires hospitality? And what if in our hospitality and welcoming we also welcome honesty, which promotes healthy growth, self-reflection? Just maybe, The Church (you and me, your grandma, my future grandkids, our houseguests) will someday by able to muster up our courage, step out into faith, and cross the welcome mat into our eternal home.