Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wednesday Morning

As we enter our last week in Colorado, the time has come to say farewell and be sent into the world. We have had the great joy for the past year and a half to be a part of the Wednesday Morning crew at St. Aidan's. The Wednesday Morning ritual starts with 7am Eucharist. The Eucharist is highlighted by a chapter by chapter weekly reading of a book of the Bible. Right now the group is making its way through Romans, having already completed Genesis, Revelation, and Ruth. This tradition originally started as a men's breakfast, but has since wildly expanded into women and college students! Who says college kids won't get up early?

The pictures you see here are from the real reason to get up at 7am. . . Toast! After we worship, we all head into the parish hall for toast and coffee or tea. Girdo, seen top right with Elizabeth, is the toastmaster. He is responsible for the setup of the toasters and the meticulous allotment of 4 pieces of toast and bagels for each person in attendance. No more, no less.

The morning extends into conversation about a great number of things: CU room scheduling policies, birding, children's songs, Christian art, vacations, prayer requests. We've never experienced a more loving, comfortable Christian community in any of our other places of worship. So it is with great sadness that we leave St. Aidan's, Canterbury, and Atonement. We also leave with deep gratitude and thanksgiving to God for the Wednesday morning regulars: Bill S., Bill K., Bill P., Diane, Girdo, John, Mother Mary Kate, Richard, Naomi, Kandace, Bobby, Father Dustin, Buck, Nicholas, Doug, and Kay.

And if you are ever in Boulder at 7am on a Wednesday morning, please do drop into St. Aidan's and join them. And invite your college friends. . . you won't be disappointed.

With Love,

Seth and Elizabeth

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